Average views per SDTV Episode
Over 20M
Youtube impressions
Extended reach (via talent)
The Brief
.As part of a drive to reduce paid spend on TV media, River proactively proposed to develop Superdrug’s social channels as the key touchpoints with its audience. The objective was to focus both on engagement (front-of-mind/brand) and conversion (tangible sales).
The Strategy
River developed the SDTV concept and launched
it on YouTube in 2020 – as a highly engaging and commercially optimised format (with the majority of revenue derived from supplier funding) to communicate the essence of Superdrug and its relevance to the audience.
The Creative
SDTV takes the shape of an episodic topical ‘TV show’
that works standalone but also as cut-downs used across the social channels (eg Instagram) in an optimised way. It utilises influencers and Superdrug staff expertise in its choice of presenters and guests.