Day in a life: Group Account Director, Kate Burton

As the Group Account Director for The Co-operative Food and regional retail groups, Kate Burton came to The River Group having previously worked as a Publishing Director at a multichannel publishing agency and as an editor in customer publishing.

Christmas in July: Magazine editing for the seasons

I have just packed up the Christmas decorations, taken the Christmas cards down from the mantelpiece and the Christmas tree is lying in the garden. It’s the 12th of July and Christmas is over in my house! Together with my team from River I’ve just finished a two-day photo shoot for The Co-operative Food magazine’s Christmas issue

Slim our Snacks: The art of the magazine campaign

Magazines have a rich tradition of campaigning. Compared with the big papers, Weight Watchers magazine circulation figures may be modest, but our readers are undyingly faithful and highly vocal. While a newspaper is in the recycling bin by teatime, a magazine lives on for far longer. For proof, just pop along to your local dentist’s waiting room and see how far back their eclectic collection goes.

A day in the life of Sophie Adams, Advertising Manager

Having come from consumer titles across various different markets, it’s great to be doing something slightly different but still in the same industry. By that, I mean still being involved with the advertising in magazines yet working for a content marketing agency and not just a publishing house. My days are varied and can differ greatly but what I love is being involved with our clients business and also working with my advertising clients and creating some great ideas and relationships that result in some great pieces of activity.

A day in the life of Martin Black, Senior Production Manager

As Senior Production Manager, I oversee the production of River’s magazines and printed materials from design to delivery. The day always starts with a cup of tea. Generously made by whoever gets in to the office first and left on your desk. Very civilized indeed.

Darwinism in Action: adapting to survive in publishing

Image source: Wikipedia

The greatest civilisations eventually fall. So goes the accepted wisdom. Actually whose accepted wisdom it was I can’t recall but it does sound very wise indeed. Although perhaps not as wise as Darwin’s proclamation that “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”

The challenges of magazine cover art in the digital age

You can’t judge a book by its cover.

And if you do, you have no idea just how 19th century you are.

Whatever the origin of this pithy aphorism (widely attributed to Mr Tulliver in George Eliot’s The Mill on The Floss, saying how beautifully bound a book was), judging a book, a magazine or a person, by their cover is what we do all the time. Yet in this age of digi-everything, the challenges of making your cover art dazzle are greater than ever.

A day in the life of Lucy Morris

Before working at River, I spent 10 years climbing the ladder, on some of the UK’s biggest glossy fashion and lifestyle magazines, and I am now at a point in my career when all that knowledge, training and the contacts made along the way are really coming together!