The River Group x Superdrug wins at UK Content Awards 2023

We’re thrilled to announce The River Group and our client Superdrug won Video Content Campaign of the Year at this years UK Content Awards on Thursday, 13th July, 2023. These awards celebrate the excellece in content marketing within agencies, in-house teams and individuals creating innovate exceptional content. The judge’s commented, “We are truly amazed by […]


The content marketing agency has received four nominations in the prestigious 2021 The Drum Recommends Digital Awards.  These awards are one of a kind in the industry, with nominations and winning only being achieved through client ratings. Uniquely, the awards are not based on submissions from agencies.  Instead, The Drum Recommends reviews ratings from its […]

Wearables and the future of content

Wearable technologies are not new. You have probably seen wrist heart-rate monitors, a wearable GPS, or possibly one of the tiny watch TVs that have been around since the 1980s. The current generation of wearables are all designed to connect to existing devices, particularly smartphones.

Steffan Aquarone on 2014 trends in online video

The hardest part is making content people really want to watch. People don’t care about your products and services. With the tap of a finger, people can change the channel and watch anything that’s available on the web. Making content that stands out and holds people’s attention doesn’t have to mean filming cats on skateboards or shocking humour – but it does have to serve its audience first and your brand’s PR agenda second.

Whatever happened to the Oxo family? Social media this Christmas

So all might have changed by next Christmas. Maybe it will be me, upstairs in my bedroom lounging in bed, glass in hand, posting my piccies on Flickr and blogging away on Tumblr. The kids will be at the bottom of the stairs shouting, “Come on Mum. Now. We want to spend time with you. Please come down and be with us.

An app I like

Played in Britain reverses theatre’s technical laggard stereotype to adapt theatre anthology for the tablet age, digitally curating from the Victoria & Albert (V&A) Museum’s rich audio-visual Theatre & Performance Collection.