How to internationalise your publishing strategy

Editorial pillars and brand values are the same in every Weight Watchers edition – but there are many differences. No one has longer words than the Germans, so when features are translated they can be up to a third longer. It can cause issues with the cover lines – we can’t have a word on the cover with 20 letters!

Slim our Snacks: The art of the magazine campaign

Magazines have a rich tradition of campaigning. Compared with the big papers, Weight Watchers magazine circulation figures may be modest, but our readers are undyingly faithful and highly vocal. While a newspaper is in the recycling bin by teatime, a magazine lives on for far longer. For proof, just pop along to your local dentist’s waiting room and see how far back their eclectic collection goes.

A day in the life of Lucy Morris

Before working at River, I spent 10 years climbing the ladder, on some of the UK’s biggest glossy fashion and lifestyle magazines, and I am now at a point in my career when all that knowledge, training and the contacts made along the way are really coming together!