💌 A love letter to River 💌 – By Wendy Watts

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Oh River, have we really been together for nearly 30 years? It feels like yesterday when we met, in November 1994. I admit, I was a little jaded from the sudden endings of the two ‘loves’ before you, which crashed and burned. Not so you. You were stronger.

There you were, all shiny and new, in vibrant, energetic, up-for-anything Soho. Was it love at first sight? Hmm, you were a little demanding to begin with – you needed a lot of attention. But then I got to know you and the family you were creating with the dynamic duo, Nicki and Phil. And that’s when I found my home.

Funny to think that, in the beginning, people tried to put you down, saying you were just ‘contract publishing’, the underdog, and you couldn’t compete with your glossy newsstand sisters (ahem). But you made sure you were in the spotlight, and revelled in the many new friends and fans you made.

How I love the way you still entice, embrace and engage so much talent – big brands and big names. I adore the energy you radiate. And, gosh, how you know how to grow and evolve. Like all enigmatic people, you’ve always attracted the best kind, haven’t you. Sadly, some talented people are no longer with us (wonderful souls such as Yolanda and Malcolm). And some have simply flown the nest (but, as with all families, some, of course, have come back to roost 😀).

We’ve been through a lot, haven’t we, on our personal journeys. But, hey, we’ve come out stronger: more positive, happier and with loads more to give than ever before. We embrace who we are and who we want around us – we develop with loyalty and creative, like-minded souls.

And all these years on, here you still are, revealing your superpower: building a future with Maven Comms and Reflect The Agency. You’ve always sought to bring those who feel in the shade into the light – and that’s exactly what you’re achieving. Look at you now, River. You’ve embraced the changing world and shown how to excel – digital platforms, podcasts, influencers, AI… and this still feels like the beginning of your journey.


River, you’ve built a fabulous family, of all ages (constantly upgrading to the latest model just isn’t your style), with amazing abilities and different experiences to share.

Oh, the memories we’ve made – and are still making – and the stories we could tell. Through you, dearest River, I’ve made the best friends. Together, we’ll thrive – and you’ll always be my fave, my true love.


By Wendy Watts


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